Circle Elevation in consciousness

A journey towards the infinity of our being

Consciousness reminds us who we are, our very essence.
It also reminds us of the purpose of our presence , our mission , what we have chosen to experience, and this, in the permanent growth of the evolution of the soul.
This has chosen to shed false beliefs, fears and outlet illusions which have distorted the data and prevented us from evolving.
Elevation in Consciousness is intended to be a reminder of who we are by letting go of these false truths and identities, and creating from who we really are.

Will you be on the trip?

Come and connect to your own inner universe to find the Being within you who was buried for too long under the shield.
You will experience:
  • Releases of cellular memories
  • A journey towards the infinity of your being Encoded transmissions from beings of Light, interstellar or even intra-earth
  • From cleaning the slag that lowers your vital energy
  • A harmonization
  • Realignments of genetic codes and DNA
  • A connection with your Great Self, your Great Wisdom
  • Receptions and activation of new light codes

We look forward to meeting you aboard this great ship of Light one evening a month at 8 p.m. (Quebec time) via the Zoom platform.

*Please note that the zoom link will be sent by email a few hours before the session. It would be good to check receipt at least 2 hours in advance. (junk email too).
Looking forward to growing together!

Please do not contact me in the hour before the event.
Unable to be present? You can obtain access to the treatment via the online store MENU Scéances/Timeless Light Treatments

Registration Form